Drivability Concern Worksheet

Drivability Concern Worksheet

The issue occurs...

Are there Warning Lights On?

The issue occurs during...
Please select all that apply.

Did the issue occur...
Please select all that apply.

At what "engine" temperature does the issue occur?
Please select all that apply.

Does the engine "crank"?

Does the engine start?

If yes, how long does it take to start?

Is the vehicle equipped with a remote starter system?

Is the engine idle...

Does the engine quit immediately after starting?

Please describe the vehicle's engine performance problem(s).
Please select all that apply.

Is the issue evident now?

Can you recreate the concern if required for the tech?

Does the issue occur when the gear is in...
Please select all that apply.

Between what gear position(s) does the issue occur?
Please select all that apply.

Did this happen shortly after something was done to the vehicle?

Have you done any repairs to try and correct this concern?